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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life is SIMPLE

While waiting for my writing mood in its hibernate season, i'll try posting some stuff i found while i was wandering around....

Ada seseorang saat melamar kerja, memungut sampah kertas di lantai ke dalam tong sampah, dan hal itu terlihat oleh peng-interview, dan dia mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut.

* Ternyata untuk memperoleh penghargaan sangat mudah, cukup memelihara kebiasaan yang baik.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Move On [in response to]

People [or yourself] will tell u to move on when they [or you] think that u are too stuck in the past. Particularly when the past is hurting u. 

Stuck in the past will hold u from looking at bright future. 

Each of us has our own way to move on.

Some just let go and keep them as lesson. Some hate them to the bone and will not stop feel hurt and finally except the pain as a part of their life and let time heals the pain. Some other people take revenge as another way to move on.

U can share yours in the comment box later...

Here are my suggestion to moving on from a heartbreak...

Remove everything that reminds u of him/her. 

Keeping memories even if its a good one will lead u to opening the heartbreaking chapter.
Removing them will make u easier to forget. Some 'brave' people will accuse u to run from problem. But don't worry. Yes, we are running but if we walk then the past will catch us and it will be harder to move on. It's okay to run. The winners are those who run faster than others right???So why should we feel ashamed to run???The winners do that. The whiners don't. It's our choice.

If u can't completely remove them, at least try to keep your distance. In case of person who we can not remove -unless u want to end up in jail, lol- keep your distance will be better. Sometimes moving on from an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend means don't hang out with his/ her friends for a while. Those people sometime in or not in purpose will remind u to those 'memories'. 

We are running..undeniable..but we run until we are strong enough to face the past..We are helping time to do its healing process faster.

Talk to your best friend about your bad experience only at the beginning. But not talking about it after u decide to enter the removing process. 

Last but not least...Try to avoid watching romance movies...Choose to watch Horror movies instead... lol..

This posting is meant to help those to want to move on as another alternatives...Another suggestion are welcome...


Move on...but more of that..Move Up...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love Me...Love Me Not...

The most romantic proposal ever...

Not everyone as lucky as the woman who were being proposed in the most romantic way...

Not everyman have high romantic creativity like this guy...

But a woman deserve a 'good' man and vice versa...

Although 'good' doesn't always mean to be romantic...Some and even many good men don't know how to be romantic...

For me...

Romantic means :

Growing old together..

Being faithful...

Tell her the truth not what she needs to hear...

Always be there for her and appreciate her...

Being the best of yourself because that's why she chooses u...

You are allowed to hurt her feelings once in a's inevitable...But don't ever let her go...

Letting her go is not the way to love her...Stupid and coward men think this is another way to love...

But trust me...It isn't....

Why don't u try to be the best of u and find a way to keep her and make her happy?

Every problems has solution...There's always a way out for a problem....

If u love her u'll try harder...And if she loves u she'll be there for u no matter how hard life will be...

Your girl is not as weak as you thought...She's stronger than u...She can face the whole world if u give her reason to fight....

To all the men out there...May this posting inspires u....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

To All The Haters!!!


And again....

yang gak punya musuh silahkan angkat kaki eh angkat tangan..sepertinya semua punya musuh yah??

Bahkan ada yang sangking gak ada yang bisa dimusuhi malah memusuhi diri

Om Mario Teguh bilang, tapi sepertinya juga dikutip dari ungkapan seseorang yang lebih dulu menjadi bijak dari si Om.

"Aku tidak punya banyak waktu untuk mengurusi orang yang membenciku karena terlalu sibuk mengurus orang yang mencintaiku"


admit it... 

pada satu titik atau mungkin titik-titik pasti kita termasuk golongan orang-orang yang gak bisa berpura-pura tidak peduli dengan orang yang gak suka dengan kita...

marah...ngomel-ngomel di dalam maupun luar hati....merupakan bukti bahwa kita tidak bisa mengacuhkan para pembenci kita....

suka atau tidak kita peduli dengan pendapat mereka....

Walaupun kepedulian kita mungkin sebatas "Hey you!!!What's your problem???"

But in the end of the day, or in my case, in the end of this posting, why should we bother???

There will always be haters no matter how nice we are....

And sometimes we become those or not in purpose....


in case someone hates u for being u....just tell them....



And don't be surprise if u hear the same expression when u become haters...

"We don't have enough time to please everyone so don't waste your time by being unpleasant person either...."

Keep become blessing..... And don't stop learning...

<the last part is for>

The Reason

"Rapunzel mengajarkan kita sesuatu tentang hidup. Mendaki menara tertinggi menjadi tidak begitu sulit jika seseorang di puncak menara memberikan alasan bagimu untuk bertahan"

= NN

I found this when i was wondering around friends' blogs. 

Interesting isn't it??

Semua orang butuh alasan. Walaupun terlalu banyak alasan alias suka ngeles itu gak bagus sih.

Alasan....tidak selalu harus seseorang...

kadang alasan itu adalah sesuatu...hahahah...sori ini bukan sesuatu ala si teteh lebay itu...

ooppss...don't blame me for not being her biggest fan...

Sesuatu itu membuat kita tetap memanjat walaupun seringkali keringat dan kelelahan membuat kita meluncur ke bawah beberapa cm atau mungkin beberapa meter dalam upaya pendakian kita.

Walaupun kita sadar...Ain't about how fast we get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side or upper side. It's the climb that's important. Yes...i quoted it from The climb lyrics by Miley Cyrus. lol...


The climb can't make us hold on....It can not be the reason for us to keep moving... But something that waiting up there it helps us to keep pushing forward. It keep us from falling to deep. It holds us from slip and unable to climb up. It reminds us not to give up.

The climb is important. In fact it's the most important thing. But the reason to climb that's what give us strength.

Each of us have our own tower to climb. 

Mimpi, cita-cita, obsesi, hubungan, pekerjaan. dan apa saja... Kadang hal-hal kecil yang kita anggap sepele pun bisa saja merupakan menara-menara kecil yang sedang kita panjat.

Untuk berhasil memanjat hingga puncak, tetap fokus pada alasan kenapa kita memanjat.

Diri sendiri, keluarga, our special one, people we respect or love... and bunch of other reasons yang hanya kita sendiri yang tahu...

"Eyes on the prize" 

Climbing will be easier...The process will be less tiring and enjoyable...

Enjoy the climb and see u up there....

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