And again....
yang gak punya musuh silahkan angkat kaki eh angkat tangan..sepertinya semua punya musuh yah??
Bahkan ada yang sangking gak ada yang bisa dimusuhi malah memusuhi diri sendiri...lol....
Om Mario Teguh bilang, tapi sepertinya juga dikutip dari ungkapan seseorang yang lebih dulu menjadi bijak dari si Om.
"Aku tidak punya banyak waktu untuk mengurusi orang yang membenciku karena terlalu sibuk mengurus orang yang mencintaiku"
admit it...
pada satu titik atau mungkin titik-titik pasti kita termasuk golongan orang-orang yang gak bisa berpura-pura tidak peduli dengan orang yang gak suka dengan kita...
marah...ngomel-ngomel di dalam maupun luar hati....merupakan bukti bahwa kita tidak bisa mengacuhkan para pembenci kita....
suka atau tidak kita peduli dengan pendapat mereka....
Walaupun kepedulian kita mungkin sebatas "Hey you!!!What's your problem???"..lol...
But in the end of the day, or in my case, in the end of this posting, why should we bother???
There will always be haters no matter how nice we are....
And sometimes we become those haters...in or not in purpose....
in case someone hates u for being u....just tell them....
And don't be surprise if u hear the same expression when u become haters...
"We don't have enough time to please everyone so don't waste your time by being unpleasant person either...."
boku janai desuka? itsumo "sono hito, kirai!", "iya da" to itteta kara... hehhehehe.
ReplyDeletedakedo ne, sonna kanji ga itsumo herashite, sorekara nakunatte, iya toka kirai to iu kanjou ga daijobu yoo! ningen da kara zo.
Jibun o kirai ni naru ga dame. ichiban dame. ikite iru riyuu ha mou arimasen you ne? (^-^)
This posting intended to encourage those [read me] who take the haters seriously. Sometimes we spend too much time to think about what would people especially those haters think about us when we do something. We spend to much time to think and sometimes feel terrible or miserable because of the haters...sometimes it is necessary to take them for granted...haters will hate...but who cares???as long as u don't hurt someone and u think what u do is good...ignore them...
forgive those who hates u because that's pissing them off...and that's call sweet revenge...lol....